10 Ways to Know You’re Obsessed with Music
We all know people that ~like~ music. They turn on the radio in the morning, bob their head to the beat a little, and attend a concert or two each year. But if you’re obsessed with music? It’s a totally different story. Music is always playing around you, you know the lyrics to almost every song by heart, you practice your instrument all the time. And if you don’t play an instrument? You know how to shred a mean air guitar.
You might be obsessed with music if…
1. You don’t stick to one genre

Sure, there may be genres you prefer to others, but you have everything from rap to classical in your library.
2. You have a playlist for every occasion, and you take them all very seriously

Your workout playlist could NEVER be interchanged for your sexy date night playlist.
3. When someone tries to talk during your song, you immediately question your friendship

4. There’s no such thing as silent shower

Or car ride, or commute to work…
5. You’ve found the meaning of life in song lyrics before

Looking at you, Adele.
6. You’re awesome at shredding air guitar or tapping your fingers on the table like drums

It really should be an Olympic sport.
7. You can listen to ~that one song~ over and over and over

And you’ll NEVER get sick of it.
8. Any extra income goes to concert tickets, music lessons or instruments

Whatever. It’s worth it.
9. The hardest question in life is “what’s your favorite song”?

You can’t answer that. It’s like picking your favorite child!
10. You get ridiculously happy when you find a new song you love

And when it plays on the radio three months later, you can say you heard it first.
If you can relate to most of the things on this list, you’re definitely obsessed with music. But, don’t worry, here at Pro Music Plus we know that feeling very well and we’re willing to fuel your obsession with instruments, accessories, Lessons and Recording Sessions .